Are you stressed about money or your lack of savings? If you’re in debt, it’s time to call a Credit Counselling Agency. Not only can they help you get out of debt, but they can also educate you on how to manage your money in the future. The following questions will help you choose the best Credit Counselling Agency for you.

What our clients have to say

Sharon L.
Sharon L.
The gentleman that called was very helpful, friendly and professional.
Jennifer E.
Jennifer E.
I was drowning in debt—there was so much of it. The calls from creditors didn't stop. My bank was no help.I contacted Money Mentors to inquire about the OPD program and their advice. I was prepared to dedicate myself to clearing my debts. I was ready to cut up my credit cards. My counselor and I worked through some homework before we created my payback schedule. Since I was determined to pay off this personal debt on my own, I made large monthly payments. The phone calls from creditors stopped, which was a relief.Despite some difficult months, I am debt free after 56 months! It has not sunk in yet. My perspective has changed from one of spending and worrying about it later to one of saving and planning. Though I still worry about going back into debt, I can always turn to the Money Mentors website for helpful guidance.
Linda Mak is an amazing person I ever met .she has lots of knowledge and professional skills regarding any financial issues. She listens your concerns with patience and address them with at most knowledge. I like the nature of Linda Mak she is so friendly and easy approachable person.
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11 Questions to Ask to Find the Best Credit Counselling Agency for You

Choosing an organization that you can trust to get you out of debt, and put your needs first, is not always easy. These 11 questions are designed to help you choose wisely.

Are they local?

Is the Credit Counselling Agency licensed in the province they operate in? If you live in Canada, choose a Canadian organization with an office near where you live. Ideally one that offers in-person counselling.

How long have they been in business?

An established company that has been in business for more than 10 years ensures that they have the experience required for any situation. Plus, you are less likely to fall prey to a get-rich-quick scam.

Are they a registered charity?

Even if a company is a not-for-profit, verify that they are a registered charity. To verify if a company is a registered charity, check the Charities Listings section of the Canada Revenue Agency website.

Do they offer a variety of financial services?

You want to choose a company that is going to find the best solution for your unique, individual financial situation. If an agency only offers debt management programs, then you will almost certainly get pushed down that path. Look for a company that offers more well-rounded solutions, including budgeting and money management services.

Do they provide free information and education opportunities?

Choose a reputable organization that promotes financial literacy throughout communities on behalf of the provincial government.

Do they have a successful track record?

It’s important to choose a Credit Counselling Agency that has has been proven to help people pay off their debt and become debt-free. Find out what their success rate is.

Do they offer guaranteed protection from your creditors?

One of the benefits of consolidating debt through an agency is that you won’t have to deal with nasty calls from creditors. When you are trying your best to pay your bills, it can be stressful to receive collection calls. Look for a company that will advocate for you and protect you.

Are they upfront about fees?

A legitimate debt consolidation company will be truthful about what fees they will charge you, if any. Their goal is to help you get out of debt, not put you deeper in it. If there is a fee, ask for it in writing to minimize misunderstandings.

What are others saying about them?

Although it’s nice to get recommendations from friends and family, many feel uncomfortable talking about personal finances with those that are closest to them. In this case, turn to organizations like the Better Business Bureau, and check if there are any unresolved complaints.

Will they keep your financial information private and confidential?

Your money matters are your personal business. You need to feel confident that the agency you choose will respect your privacy. Be sure to find out what their policies are around privacy and confidentiality.

Are credit and debt counsellors qualified?

Choose a qualified money coach or accredited financial counsellor that you trust will provide unbiased advice. Having experienced financial professionals on your team will go a long way to helping you achieve your goals and improve your finances.

If you ask the right questions, it will be easy to choose a Credit Counselling Agency that will help you get out of debt. Be prepared when you meet with them, and don’t be afraid to ask lots of questions. Just remember that, as with most things in life, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Trust your instincts, and choose an organization that is invested in helping you pay back the money you owe, so you can get your life back on track financially.

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